So I have found my perfect wedding venue!
Sadly it was too expensive…
But Simon and I thoroughly enjoyed having a look through MontSalvat in Eltham, Melbourne and dreaming. We invite you to join us now…
This venue is an artists colony complete with cafe, chapel and year-round exhibitions, most recently some native Indonesian tribal masks, fascinating! Sadly I didn’t get any photos of them but I did get photos of this spectacular venue.
Here’s a pic of Simon using the facilities before we get started…
Heehee, Here is the Long Gallery, there was another exhibition in here of pictures inspired from around Mont Salvat, but again, I didn’t get any photos of them…
Continuing on the wedding location discovery…
Here is the entrance to the top of the Great Hall where most of the magic happens, a wedding was set up to happen that afternoon so we got to see what it looked like.
SO pretty! It barely needed any decorating!
This is the stain glass window you get married in front of.
This is the signing table.
This is the piano.
But the top of the Great Hall wasn’t even the best bit!
This is the bottom of the Great Hall where, if you have enough money, you can have your reception. It was something out of my dreams!
This is the GORGEOUS little kitchen, the cooks were already busily preparing the meal for the lucky people that night.
The amazing fireplace.
This stunning antique dresser.
Honestly, I have DREAMT about these tables and bench chairs! Simon walked into this room first while I was still admiring the top and said, ‘Honey, I think you’re gonna want to see this…’ He was right, I have tried and tried to describe these types of tables to him and the bench seats I’ve been saying from day one, it would be great if we could just have big long benches rather than individual seats. And here they were! I have visions of these tables being covered possibly in hessian runners and jars full of flowers something like this…
Or this…
But this wasn’t ALL.
The beautiful gardens and quaint little details like this door would make countless places to have photos taken onsite,
Where’s Wally heehee
There is actually another chapel onsite as well but it probably only holds about 50 people, but here are the photos anyway…
Lots of paintings of Jesus on the cross all over the walls…
This pic above is actually one of my favourite photos I took on the day! Yay me!
OK and coming towards the end of our tour now, here is the pool (not for swimming).
And the cafe…
So as I said, this was our perfect dream wedding location. It’s not in the Grampians but it had everything we could ever want (including my dream tables) but it was just out of our price range. So the search for our wedding location continues. If anyone knows where I can hire the long wooden tables with the bench seats, please do let me know, I haven’t really been able to find them anywhere on any of the hire websites.
Also if you would like to check out Mont Salvat for your own wedding or for a tour or just for a coffee or a meal in the lovely cafe take a look at
Happy Day! *
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